Gift Voucher

Choose the value of your Gift Voucher.
The amount can be redeemed for any RVAC services, including Trial Introductory Flights, Flight Lessons, Charter Flights, Membership or RVAC Merchandise

Vouchers are valid for redemption 72 hours after purchase and are valid for 3 years from the valid date.
Generally vouchers do not need to be used in one transaction and balance vouchers can be issued.
Please note that a small processing fee per voucher may be applied to your order on checkout.
Vouchers will be delivered electronically via email to the purchaser. Optionally, the vouchers can also be sent directly to the recipient on a specified date and time.
We will not be held accountable for lost, stolen, or expired vouchers. Gift vouchers are not redeemable for cash and cannot be refunded, exchanged or returned.